It's a strange thing, the effect it has." "There were people who literally cried when they walked onto that set. "Walking onto the Millennium Falcon set? To be on it, it's insane," Abrams told Vanity Fair. While Jar Jar's skeleton won't be abandoned in the desert, fans can expect plenty of old school practical effects in the new "Star Wars" film, including real puppets and non-CGI sets including everyone's favorite hunk of junk. "I'm serious! Only three people will notice, but they'll love it." "I have a thought about putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert there," Abrams told Vanity Fair. The Vanity Fair cover article also features an interview with Abrams, who admits that he's thought about killing off Jar Jar Binks, who was the first lead computer-generated character in the prequels and is the most hated. He's the guy who gets to battle using the infamous three-bladed lightsaber we first set eyes on in the initial teaser trailer.

Ren commands Snowtroopers in this chilly photo by Leibovitz. We also got a good look at the next bad guy in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" - Kylo Ren, played by "Girls" actor Adam Driver. The handsome fighter pilot stands next to his X-wing Fighter, ready for action. Vanity Fair revealed this dashing Leibovitz portrait of the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron played by Oscar Isaac. "Star Wars" isn't the same without a few brave pilots at the helm. Already nicknamed by fans as "Chrometrooper," we can see the character chasing the Millennium Falcon in the most recent trailer. On Monday, Vanity Fair tweeted several additional photos from the upcoming issue, including a very intimidating Leibovitz photo of "Game of Thrones" actress Gwendoline Christie dressed as her armored character Captain Phasma. Abrams and Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy on the set. In an exclusive behind-the-scenes video at the cover photo shoot, we see some of the cast including a CGI-dotted Lupita Nyong'o, along with Leibovitz, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" director J.J. Past Vanity Fair covers shot by Leibovitz included the cast of the "Star Wars" prequels "The Phantom Menace," "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith."

The cover, revealed by Vanity Fair on Monday, Star Wars Day, is shot by legendary celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz, who has taken numerous portraits of characters from a galaxy far, far away. The beloved duo are joined by a few new characters Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega) and of course, the much-discussed BB-8 droid, who all star in the upcoming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," opening December 18. Our favorite space smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his Wookiee best friend Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) make for great cover models in the June 2015 issue of Vanity Fair. Old favorites meet new heros in the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" cover photo.